So another year has passed us by. Here are a few things that have changed my life this past year.
1 - A pet - namely a bunny. Let me backup a bit. I had dogs and a Lop Eared bunny as a child and younger teen and I loved them but I've never ever been big on pets. I could always take them or leave them and to be brutally honest I didn't think much of them. In April of this year, all that changed. My best friend's mom gave me a tiny, runt of the litter, white Blue Eyed Beveran bunny. He was only a month old and he was TINY. Here he is the day I got him.
On that day, something in me changed. We bonded IMMEDIATELY and I fell in love.
I named him Lucky and he and I had 3 and a half wonderful months together. He brought so much joy and laughter into my life and taught me the sweet simple pleasure of having a creature of God as a companion.
On July 21, 2011 I took him to be neutered. He did not make it thru the procedure. My parents and I buried him in our backyard.
Lucky changed me. I know it sounds crazy but he did. He loved unconditionally and I loved him the same. He taught me that no matter how much "trouble" or "mess" an animal makes, their friendship and fellowship outweighs that all. He taught me how to love an animal again.
After he passed away, I felt that I could not heal without another bunny. Of course, it would not fill in the gap Lucky had left but it would bring healing and soften the blow. The day after he passed, I went to a rabbitry in Zebulon, NC. I was intending on getting a Lop but instead, I fell in love with a hare looking bunny (a Mini Rex) who I named Cinnamon. Here she is right after I got her.
She stole my heart and still has it today!
2 - I began learning to let go of some things and just let them play out as they would. And I've been rewarded. God doesn't do things in our time, He definitely does things in His own timing and when it's best for all involved.
3- I shot my first (and maybe last) wedding with a fellow photographer in September. After that experience I began revamping my photography business and began having an insatiable hunger to learn more about photography and get better and better!!! That wedding was a definite turning point for me in my desire to become a better photographer.
Those are a few things that have changed in my life this year. I'm sure there are more but those are the things that come to mind right now.
Anyway, here are two of my latest 365 Project photos.
December 23, 2011
This is the Cinnamon you saw above. She is 7 months old now and a beautiful, plump girl. She is so rambunctious and lively and of course sweet. She loves giving kisses and having you rub her for countless minutes on end! And no, the donut with her is not realy but a chew toy. =)
Funny story, yesterday morning she got out of my room and I had to go searching for her. I found her by our tree sniffing around her Christmas presents!!! She is one smart bunny.
December 24, 2011
Here is one of my favorite ornaments from my family's Christmas tree. I love it because it looks so old fashioned.
I have been wanting to photograph the details on the tree for about a week and just got around to it tonight. =) It's about time since it's Christmas Eve.
I think I'll try for some more bokah tomorrow.
What are some good changes that you have made in your life this year? I'd love to hear some of them.
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